


10 things mindful homeowners are doing in the fall to get ready for the cooler weather

As the days get shorter and other signs of autumn begin to appear, fall is a great time to tackle some key home maintenance tasks so you're ready when winter arrives.


5 smart tips on how to buy a car

Buying a car can feel like a bit of a song and dance. It is easy to question whether or not you’re getting a good deal. Check out these top tips to help prepare you for h...


How to pick the perfect home loan in Washington State (2024)

With home prices and mortgage interest rates spiking in a volatile market, it’s more important than ever to choose a home loan that meets your needs.


5 reasons Washington State is a good place to live

Is Washington State a good place to live? Yes! From a beautiful environment and great cities to employment opportunities, financial benefits and more.


Time for a home update? Should you buy new or cash-out refinance and remodel?

The exact right time to refinance a mortgage will depend on each homeowner and their unique circumstances, wants, needs, built-up equity and personal finances.


When is it worth it to refinance a home loan?

Know when to refinance your home loan. Have interest rates dropped? Has your credit score improved? Has your home's value increased? Looking for new loan terms?


When you refinance a home loan, what happens?

Refinancing lets you convert your existing mortgage to a new one, paying off your original home loan and entering into a new deal with the same or a different lender. Fin...


What are the pros and cons of a cash-out refinance?

Knowing the pros and cons of a cash-out refinance can help you better decide if it’s the right move for you and your family.


How does a bridge loan work?

Are you wondering, How does a bridge loan work? Bridge loans use the equity in your existing home to secure temporary financing for the purchase of a new home.