Solarity Stories

When adventure is a need, not just a want
Whenever TJ, Dave and Drake want to take off - they can. The family hitches up their trailer and hits the road. They love going off the grid - an adventure they don't jus...

An RV adventure: Lyn & Steve's retirement
Lyn and Steve decided to live the simple life in retirement - opting for adventure and going wherever the road takes them.

Boat owner: 'Great credit union. Great boat. You guys sure did make it easy'
Cody knew that buying a boat would mean creating incredible lasting memories for his family. Solarity's great rates and exceptional service made it that much easier.

Solarity 'makes life easier' for personal and business banking
Tim Fleenor, a longtime Solarity member, does both his personal and business banking with us. Busy with running his own company, he relies on Solarity to make banking con...

Joining Solarity was 'effortless,' member left big bank behind
When Cliff was denied a car loan at a big bank, he turned to Solarity to help him finance a new car, which gets him to and from work. He's been so pleased with us, he mov...

First-time homebuyers: 'It just worked out so great'
Planning a wedding is a lot of work, especially when you are trying to buy their first home at the same time. All their worries eased when they worked with Solarity's exp...

Mobile deposit first-timer: 'So much faster'
Calvin, a Solarity member, is admittedly not good with technology - but that didn't stop him from trying mobile deposit. After realizing how easy it is, he couldn't belie...

Help with some complicated paperwork: Jeanne's story
Jeanne, a Solarity member since 2016, needed help with some complicated paperwork and called in to chat with the experts in our Member Contact Center. She appreciated the...

First-time homebuyers: Solarity was there 'every step of the way'
First-time homebuyers, Kenzie and Riley, called around to lenders as they shopped for a home. Solarity would be their last call, thanks to our team's personalized approac...
What's your Solarity story?
We love to share stories about how Solarity is helping our members live their best life. If you'd like to be featured in our next Solarity story, get in touch with us!