Solarity Credit Union donated a toy jeep to a young pediatric patient at Yakima Valley Memorial Hospital along with a $50,000 donation to The Memorial Foundation to help support its programs and services. Maylen, age 2, was all smiles driving the jeep around, with a Solarity decal across its windshield.
The $50,000 donation is part of the Credit Unions for Kids program, a national credit union initiative that raises funds and awareness for Children’s Miracle Network Hospitals. In the fall of 2021, Solarity bid on the jeep at the Northwest Credit Union Association auction. Solarity has been a long-time partner and supporter of The Memorial Foundation which helps families like Maylen’s. After being diagnosed with RSV, a dangerous raspatory virus, Maylen was admitted to Yakima Valley Memorial’s pediatric unit and received the excellent care she needed to recover.
Mina Worthington, Solarity’s president and CEO, presented the jeep to young Maylen and told local news station, KIMA, “It means everything to us to be able to give back to our community, to be able to be a strong community partner, and to be able to support a wonderful thing like children's facilities in the City of Yakima.”
In a news release, Erin Black, CEO of the Memorial Foundation said, “We are grateful for the support from Solarity Credit Union and are excited about the impact they are making on over 30,000 kids across Central Washington who receive care locally at Yakima Valley Memorial.”
“We are proud to support the incredible work of The Memorial Foundation and Children’s Miracle Network,” Worthington continued. “We are hopeful this donation will help many families in our area, and we are so pleased to help bring a smile to the faces of our brave pediatric patients.”
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