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Debit and Credit Cards

Follow the steps below to activate Apple Pay

Go to Wallet and tap Add Credit or Debit Card.

Follow the steps to add a new card. If you're asked to add the card that you use with iTunes, just enter its security code.

Tap Next. Your bank or card issuer will verify your information and decide if you can add your card to Apple Pay. If your bank or issuer needs more information to verify your card, they'll ask you for it. When you have the information, go back to SettingsWallet & Apple Pay and tap your card.

After your bank or issuer verifies your card, you can start using Apple Pay

More Information

To add your Solarity Visa® to your mobile wallet, you will have the option to receive a one-time passcode via text or email. You can also select "Call Bank," which will route you to a Visa rep who will then assist you to verify your information and get your card activated in your wallet.

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