Numbers, Stories, and People
Are you a numbers person, a stories person or a people person? No worries – we’ve got it all here.
The Numbers
93 out of 100: That’s our home loan satisfaction score for 2019.2 For context, the next highest rated company in the nation using this survey method last year scored an 86. Yes, we’re ridiculously proud! The truth is that price, fees, speed and service all contribute to member satisfaction. You’re not going to be happy if you didn’t get a good rate, or if fees were high, or if your loan was delayed, or you had to work with people who didn’t care. We survey every member about their home loan, and what do they say? 93 out of 100 on the awesome-meter.
650: The number of families we’ve helped with home loans so far this year. We may not be the biggest, but we may have the most heart! You simply won’t find people that don’t care at Solarity, which is why that 650 number means so much to us. Helping people is embedded in our DNA, and it’s reflected in our vision statement: Everyone has a place of their own to call home.
17,572: That’s the number of mortgage companies1 vying for your business. 17,572! And each will tell you why they’re your best choice. How in the world are you expected to choose the one that’s right for you? The one with the lowest rates? Fewest fees? Fastest loan? Best customer service?
The Stories
We’ve started to collect the stories our members tell us during our home loan satisfaction surveys, and they’re remarkable stories. You can read about Vinda’s experience
with not one but two national banks before she turned to Solarity, about the creative solution Patricia's loan officer found for her and her sister, and about Jennifer's frustration
with a lender who sold her home loan and lost her payment after the loan closed.
The People
And then there are the other people – the ones at Solarity who help write the happy endings to these stories. Meet our entire, amazing expert Home Loan Guides. Yes, we brag about them because they make dreams a reality!
We’re adding new stories all the time about real people who really need a lender to care about them more than about loan quotas. That’s Solarity. We’re here to answer your questions and guide you every step of the way. Are you ready to get started?
1 As of 12/31/18 according to the annual NMLS Mortgage Industry Report.
2 Solarity’s Home Loan Member Experience Survey score from January through December of 2019.
What's your Solarity story?
We're on a mission to tell the stories of our members and how they are living their best lives. Do you have a Solarity story to share?