
Fraud Alerts and Education

Your security is our priority

At Solarity you are more than just an account number...you're a member! That means there's an army of dedicated Solarians working behind the scenes to keep your personal data safe and deliver the latest measures in online security. 

As a reminder, Solarity Credit Union will never email or text members for account numbers, passwords or card numbers. Phone calls will always reflect a Solarity phone number. We will verify your identity, but never using your password or full card numbers. If you ever question the validity of a “Solarity” contact, please call us at 800.347.9222 for further guidance.

Stay vigilant!

Learn how to protect yourself from the latest scams including account takeover fraud and social media check-cashing schemes. Fraudsters have even figured out how to impersonate financial institutions - know what to watch for. 


Family of four sitting on couch with dog